Monday, October 22, 2007


Ugh - It is a Monday at school with a broken copier, I have meetings at lunch and I would rather be talking about Game 7. Francona rolling the dice with, well, Dice. Lugo's error. The stop sign with Lofton. Pedroia!

Maximum Jack - take the lead here. Discuss.


Maximum Jack said...

I've been dogging my Sox all year for not playing with any heart. It was obvious they cared last night. Lugo's error was clearly caused due to nerves, and what about that would be double play ball? Pedro can't get it out of his glove and Lugo's timing was thrown off, even though it was Victor "I've got a piano on my back" Martinez charging toward first. It was good to see the emotion on the field. Anyway, I hope that snow storm that hit Denver this weekend was enough to cool off the Rox-- Let's Go Red Sox!

Chris Carpenter said...

I had the same thought on Lugo - he had too much time to think about making a tough catch. He is shaky.

If I'm an Indian fan, I can't let go of the play with Lofton getting held up at third. That is 3-3 with the Indians taking the momentum and Westbrook rolling. It had the feel of an Indian comeback, but that play was a killer. I thought McCarver made a good call in that the coach has a split second to make the decision or else Lofton might be gotten picked off with a throw to third.

But how could he hold him up? It is Kenny Lofton - a guy with good wheels. Nobody had the ball yet. That guy is going to kick himself about that decision for the rest of his career. Wedge knew it too.

The Red Sox look locked in right now. Youk, Manny, Pedroia, even JD Drew. This could be a great World Series if the Rockies are still hot.